Sports Physical Therapy Services

  • Our team of board certified sports clinical specialists offer non-operative and operative injury management, return to sport training, and concussion management.

    We work with our athletes to optimize recovery mode: Over trained or under recovered? We provide dry needling and manual services to rebalance the body and maximize potential for strength gains.

    We additionally offer movement analysis/video analysis for sport specific movements such as lifting mechanics, running, cycling, and throwing to address movement faults and increase efficiency while reducing stress on the body.

    General rehab plans don’t cut it for the high performing athlete - we account for the unique demands of the sport(s) that they participate in.

    For our active adults - you not retired athletes - you still have the same drive, motivation, and competitive edge. We will address nagging injuries, and rediscover your potential to return to the activities you love.

    Finding the right sports medicine provider and team is critical to your athlete’s success!

    In person, hybrid and virtual appointments are available - contact us today to get started!

  • Our team offers injury prevention coaching for the healthy athlete who wants a leg up to gain the competitive edge, or for athletes who have completed traditional rehab and want to bridge the gap between rehab and sports performance.

    Sport specific injury prevention includes performance enhancement where we limit your injury risk by increasing your efficiency, help you manage seasonal stress, monitor training volume to reduce injury occurrence/recurrence, and maximize potential.

  • Need a provider for on-field management of local competitions, training sessions or race coverage?

    We work with athletic training and strength and conditioning staff to provide immediate care to athletes during competition.

    Contract our team for assistance with sideline management and injury triage!

  • We understand the high demands placed on an athlete - from multiple training sessions in one day, to weekend-long competitions.

    Our team provides recovery services to get athletes ready for the next training session or competition.

    Sessions include an injury screen, manual therapy, cupping, dry needling and more to get you feeling your best.