Sports Performance

Sports Performance Services

  • We provide holistic training for the adult athlete wanting clarity in a training program that meshes with your busy schedule to eliminate the barriers to reaching your full potential.

    Both virtual and hybrid strength and conditioning programming is available.

  • Our sports performance coaches combine personalized strength and conditioning routines with sport-specific skill training. Athletes develop physical attributes like strength, speed development, and agility, while honing sport-specific movement techniques. Baseline testing is completed in initial sessions to provide trainers with evidence based results, so that they can tailor their progression to the athletes needs and track progress over time.

  • A team-based approach to identify injury risk movement patterns to keep your athletes in the game backed by top sports medicine providers.

    We complete group screenings and analysis pre- and post-season to identify areas of improvement and progression over time.

    We specifically structure our programming to each athlete’s sport, skill level and position.

    We track trends in athlete injuries and help to develop a clear injury reduction plan that can be implemented in the team setting.

    We blend mental performance/sport psychology, sports nutrition, and recovery services into team based sessions to elevate the whole athlete experience.

    As a coach, you have limited time at training, practices, and games - trust us to become a part of the team to improve your athletes’ performance to keep them healthy.

    Spend time developing your athletes, not allowing them to become a statistic on the sidelines, become more empowered athletes/performers, and giving them skills to take with them for life beyond sport.